
VCRevista: special edition Marathon Valencia Trinidad Alfonso edp

18 November, 2016

The third issue of the digital and interactive magazine VCRevista is now available for download on your tablet (recommending) or mobile.

Enjoy this new experience for the runner, with contents that highlight the value of the Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Marathon, an appointment in which we know that It is not the same to run, that Run in Valencia, as warns its cover.

[vcr_carousel source=”media: 22523,22525,22522,22524,22526″ limit=”65″ height=”400″ items=”1″ title=”no” autoplay=”3000″ speed=”300″]

Come in, play and enjoy VCRevista. But do not ever forget to run.

[vcr_button url=”http://bit.ly/iOS_VCRevista” target=”blank” background=”#F39200″ color=”#171414″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”20″ icon=”icon: share-square-o” icon_color=”#ffffff” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #010101″ class=”boton-vcr-std”]Descarga VCRevista para iPad y iPhone[/vcr_button]

[vcr_button url=”http://bit.ly/Android_VCRevista” target=”blank” background=”#F39200″ color=”#171414″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”20″ icon=”icon: share-square-o” icon_color=”#ffffff” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #010101″ class=”boton-vcr-std”]Descarga VCRevista para Android en Google Play[/vcr_button]

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