

TRINIDAD ALFONSO MOCHOLÍ, FUNDACIÓN DE LA CV respects its Users by applying practices whose purpose is to protect the privacy of visitors to FTA’s Web site. We realise that information lies at the root of human relations in virtual settings and that responsible data gathering and use is vital if users are to browse our web site without having to worry about security.

This Privacy Policy governs the processing of Personal Data on the following web site: valenciaciudaddelrunning.com, which is run by TRINIDAD ALFONSO MOCHOLÍ, FUNDACIÓN DE LA CV (hereinafter, “FTA”).

This is to inform you that you may find sub-pages on this web site that are owned by Third Parties who apply their own Terms and Conditions and for which the Foundation is not responsible.

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and Council, of the 27th of April 2016, as the owner of the aforementioned web site, FTA hereby informs all users who either already provide or will furnish their personal data, that said data will be stored and processed for the purposes of FTA’s activities in accordance with the provisions set out in Article 30 of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Data Controller

(hereinafter, “FTA” or “Foundation”)
Tax ID Number (NIF): G-98409386
Registered Office: C/ Poeta Quintana, 1, bajo, 46003 Valencia (Spain)
Public Register: Entered in the Valencia Autonomous Community’s Register of Foundations (Registro de Fundaciones de la Comunitat Valenciana) under nº 558-V.
Contact e-mail: info@fundaciontrinidadalfonso.org
Tel. (+34) 960 645 007

The purposes of data processing

FTA will process users’ data culled from users and other parties visiting the web site for the following purposes:

  1. To manage participants/candidates for various Foundation projects (Valencia — ‘The Running City’, Club VCRunning, Races, etc.). Management covers the whole process ranging from entry in the project, analysis of candidates, drawing up of contracts, promoting the activity, and so on.
  2. To periodically send (through e-mail, post, SMS, WhatsApp and/or through any other instant messaging service)  news of the Valencia Ciudad del Running Project, related careers, and related activities, save where the User indicates otherwise or revokes his/her consent.
  3. To manage requests for information supplied to the FTA (information about the Valencia City of Running Project, its APP, Club VCRunning, etc.).
  4. To draw up user profiles to facilitate commercial initiatives, using data on users’ web activity for this purpose. Users can oppose this use of their data and revoke their consent whenever they wish.
  5. These data are used to meet legal obligation

Time scales and/or criteria for keeping data

The period during which FTA will keep data shall be determined by either the time needed to achieve the purposes for which the data was gathered, or by the time scale determined by Law.

Legitimation of data-processing

  • The management of the participants / candidates, as well as the necessary related procedures, is legitimized by the execution of the contract.Information on Valencia Ciudad del Running, news bearing on the races and related activities will periodically be sent to those with whom the organisers have previously maintained a relationship.
  • FTA has a legitimate interest in providing such information under the legislation in force (Spain’s Information Society and E-Commerce Act 34/2002, of the 11th of July).
  • FTA’s sending of news on Valencia Ciudad del Running and related activities (newsletters, bulletins, news items, promotions) to those with whom it has not had a previous relationship is legitimised by the prior consent of such Users.
  • The drawing up of User profiles based on data gathered to manage the services contracted from FTA is based on FTA’s legitimate interest in processing such data in accordance with the legislation in force.

Data Recipients

  • Financial entities for the receipt of payments for the products and/or services offered on the Platform.
  • State Security Services by virtue of statutory provisions.

In addition, notifications will be made to those supplying services to FTA (that is to say, Data Processors), and collaborating entities to ensure that commitments are met.

International data transfers

No international transfers of Users’ data are foreseen.

Security measures

In order to protect various kinds of personal data and other information for processing, FTA will implement security measures to prevent the loss, illicit manipulation and/or publication of said data. Among other measures, FTA will encrypt data and communications, etc.


The User has the right:

  • To know whether FTA is processing his/her personal data.
  • To access his/her personal data.
  • To rectify his/her personal data, providing these are incorrect and/or incomplete.
  • To have his/her personal data erased when the purposes for which the data were gathered no longer hold or where he/she has revoked consent, etc.
  • To oppose the treatment of his/her data under certain personal circumstances. FTA will stop processing data in such cases save where there are legitimate reasons for not doing so (for instance, to defend against possible complaints).
  • To request data transfer.
  • To revoke his/her consent to FTA.

In addition to the foregoing, Users can complain to Spain’s Data Protection Agency (AEPD) if they consider that FTA has violated their data protection rights. You can contact the AEPD through the Agency’s web page: www.aepd.es

Users can exercise their rights in relation to FTA at any time and free of charge. To this end, you should send us written notification of the right you wish to exercise, and accompany the notification with a document accrediting your identity (DNI/NIE or passport). Such notification can take any of the following forms:

  • By post to FTA (GDPR: Exercise of Rights) C/ Poeta Quintana, 1, bajo, 46003 Valencia (Spain)
  • By e-mail to:  info@fundaciontrinidadalfonso.org with the subject “RGPD: Ejercicio de derechos” (GRDP: Exercise of Rights)