
Trinidad Alfonso Half Marathon reaches in only five days over 1.000 registered runners for its 2014 edition

1 February, 2014

Trinidad Alfonso Valencia Half Marathon, organised by the City Council of Valencia and SD Correcaminos, achieves an overwhelming success just after opening registrations. Proof of that is the excellent acceptance of the event by runners, who within 5 days completed the quota of 1,000 registrations with a promotional price of € 15.

In previous years, the half marathon reached its first 1,000 registered runners after several months of the opening of registrations. Specifically, the 2013 edition reached only 60 runners in February, since June it didn’t archieve 500 participators. Having completed the promotion 1,000 entries price in the marathon, the selling price becomes € 20 until June 30, 2014.

Regarding the profile of the registered runner in the race, it mainly highlights the presence of local runners, as they know the event and foresee the price rise and decide to participate as soon as they can in the race of their city. However, it is significant the presence of international runners, mainly from Belgium, UK, Italy and France, who choose Valencia as a half marathon destination and make up 10% of the 1,000 current registered runners.

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