
First Aid Posts return to the Valencia Marathon thanks to Farmacia Ribera (pharmacy chain)

11 November, 2017

Farmacia Ribera will again be present at Spain’s best Marathon with various First-Aid Posts along the 42,195-metre route.

These will cater to the over 19,000 runners beginning the race on Sunday the 19th at 8:30 A.M. at Pont de Montolivet [bridge]. First-Aid and other products will be available in the Start area and at the various posts at the 20, 25, 30, 35, 37.5 and 40 kilometre points along Spain’s fastest Marathon route.

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For this edition of the Marathon, Farmacia Ribera [pharmacy chain] will offer over 100 jars of vasceline and 320 jars of Reflex to treat minor aches and pains for those who need it. There will also be a team of 40 volunteers on hand at 12 mobile posts. These will be staffed by cyclists who will treat runners on the route without athletes having to break their running rhythm.

Some tips and recommendations from Farmacia Ribera

Why is it important to take nutrition supplements?

With just a few days to go before the 2017 Valencia Marathon, this is the ideal moment to learn more and to run in a socially responsable way.

We at Farmacia Ribera see running as a healthy form of exercise that helps overcome the daily mental and physical stress that we are all subject to. Running — if we do it properly — helps us feel better and is physically good for us.


With regard to stamina, this is key to undertaking physical exercise. Stamina is our ability to carry out intense physical exercise over a longish period when one is in good health. Our muscles, skeletal system and joints, and energy are all major components of stamina.

Immune System:

The third key point is taking care of one’s immune system, which is what defends our bodies against external threats. Studies carried out on top athletes have shown that low levels of antibodies raise the danger of succumbing to infections. Yet there is nothing to be worried about — exactly the opposite happens to those who undertake moderate exercise — their immune systems are strengthened. Physical exercise needs to be undertaken regularly and in moderation.

Now we know what we must watch out for and treat, we shall see what nutritional steps can be taken to avoid problems. We shall classify the nutrients our bodies need (if one’s diet cannot provide these, one can make up the shortfall with nutritional supplements) in three main groups:

1.- Vitamins: These make up a group of substances that are vital to celular functions, growth, and the normal development of the individual in general. Moreover, they are an important source of anti-oxidants.

An athlete may have a greater need for these vitamins, mainly those in Group B, given that they are easily excreted in one’s urine and sweat. Athletes may therefore need multi-vitamin supplements but it is important to know how much to take. The length of time that vitamin supplements should be taken for and in what quantities varies from one manufacturer to another.

2.-Amino Acids: These are organic molecules that are needed to make proteins and as such, they are the building blocks of life and are responsable for most bio-chemical reactions, structures, and also play other roles. Amino Acids that are among the most important for sportsmen and women are: L- Carnosine, Taurine, L-Glutamine, L-Carnitine, Leucine, which generally help protect muscles and stimulate the immune system.

3.-Minerals: These are important to keep our bodies healthy. We use them in many metabolic functions, including: maintenance of our bones, muscles, heart, and brain. They are also important in the making of enzymes and hormones.

There are two kinds of minerals: macro-minerals and trace minerals. As the name suggests, we require macro-minerals in greater quantities. They include Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chlorine and Sulphur. Trace elements are those that we need in smaller quantities. They include Iron, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Zinc, Cobalt, Flourine, and Selenium.

When speaking of runners, we need more of the following minerals: Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, and Iron.

There are also other compounds that are important for runners in maintaining one’s joints. These compounds include: Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Chondroitin (tissue maintenance); Glucosamine and Ribose (energy production); Coenzyme Q10 (anti-oxidant).

[vcr_note note_color=”#f8b828″ text_color=”#040404″ radius=”5″]Alexandra Faria Amirm / Pharmacist specialising in Sport Health.[/vcr_note]

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