
Supplementary exercises

Preparing properly for a marathon is not just about running or pace and series training, it is also about working out in the gym to get in the best possible shape.

In these videos, CA Serrano coach José Garay, who designed our training plans, recommends some exercises so you can round off your preparation.

Strength work

Running is an activity that damages our muscles and generates imbalances in different parts of our body. This is why we need to perform muscle compensation exercises in a toning circuit. Here we show you a series of exercises that are easy to perform, do not require any weight training equipment and that you can do at home or in your nearest park. Working on our strength from the first weeks of marathon preparation will allow us to face the demanding training sessions and the race itself with much greater guarantees of success.

Core exercises

One of the best workouts that runners can do to avoid injuries, increase their workload and that will give them a more efficient running technique, is to perform appropriate and systematic exercises that help to keep the abdomen and all the pelvic muscles in the best muscle tone condition. We are going to show you some basic exercises so that you can do them and gain all the benefits at a structural level.

Working on flexibility

In addition to the supplementary strength work that we have highlighted during the first two weeks of preparation, it is important that we dedicate time to working on other aspects that will have an impact on our preparation in the weeks ahead. This is the case for flexibility, an essential aspect that promotes muscle elongation and helps us to eliminate muscle contraction after exercise and to prevent and avoid muscular and tendon discomfort and strains. It is important to do these exercises before physical activity, but above all it is very important to do them after every training session.